Friday, May 20, 2005

Nothing ever happens........

I saw a quote this week.

"Nothing ever happens in the past, nor does anything happen in the future. It always happens in the present."

I like that. I have to confess to living too much in the future, and enduring too much from the past. I seem to be "achievement" orientated, in that I work for some future achievement. "If I learn to draw a tree, my drawings in the future will be better" then just enjoying the tree. My work at my desk is done most dilligently with the mindset that it will achieve me a better desk, a good name, whatever. So I have been taking stock in this and "noodling" on what, if anything I wish to change.

First, I am getting pretty good about keeping the past there. I can now reconize its black head when the past presents itself as an obstical to the present. So, my true task is to learn how to enjoy myself. The key seems to be, as usual, an inventory of what I find "fun" rather then productive.

I know, I should make a list of what I do/enjoy that is achievement oriantated. :D That way, I will be able to regulate my activities to just those that are fun, and not pay so much homage to the future.

I should start on that right away, and get a heads up on enjoying myself after this.

(*psssst, sarcasm alert)


Thursday, May 05, 2005

National Day of Prayer.

Its humbling to consider the importance of prayer. Its not the pitition that is so awesome, but the responsibility. God Himself WANTS me to pray.



Somehow a litany of blessings seems trivial. A grocery list of requests cheap. No, the responsibility of prayer is in the listening. There is really nothing of importance I have to say, other then thank you!

This National Day of Prayer 2005 holds one prayer for me in my journal...."Dear God, use me for your will"

the kneeling professir